FUCK J J ABRAHAMS I FUCKING HATE THIS STUPID MOTHERFUCKER. HE RUINED FUCKING STAR WARS, HOW THE FUCK DO YOU RUIN STAR WARS?????? THAT ABSOLUTE BUFFOON DOESNT UNDERSTAND BASIC PLOT STRUCTURE. LIKE oOoOoOoOoOOo wE sTaR WrAs neeDs FeMaLe chArAcTeRS. LIKE IMA FUCKING LIST THE GOOD ONES. AHSOKA TANO, PADME AMIDALA, BO KATAN, PRINCESS MOTHERFUCKING LEIA, AND THERE ARE THOUSANDS MORE AND I DONT FUCKING CARE ABOUT THIS BASTARD ENOUGH TO ACTUALLY LIST THEM. FUCK HIM. HE DOESNT UNDERSTAND THE MOVIES HE MADE. FUCK HIM. SIGNED- ANONYMOUS. DEAR INTERNET, ZAC EFRON FREAKING SUCKS!!!! i hate the way he acts and how much of a loser he is, he looks so stupid, plus the girl i like STEPHANIE HAS A HUGE CRUSH ON HIM!!!! i think he looks so dumb with his bangs and big white smile and beautiful blue eyes he makes me so confused and it makes me freaking MAD!!!!!! because i dont want to b thinking about boys like him but hes all thats in my mind (because i hate him so bad) i hope he gets run over by a thousand cars!!! and then gets sent into the hospital!! HOPE HE GOES TO HELL WHERE HE BELONGS!!! -anonimus